Sunday, October 26, 2008

Laundry Day...

Fresh "Landry"  & Rock Star - "Bro-Po"( Friend; Brooke)

NO, airing our dirty laundry today...but check back some other time for that...NO, our daughter decided months ago that she would like to be "laundry" for trick or treat.  Her Uncle Chris always calls her "Laundry" instead of Landry, as a term of endearment. :0)  But it truly began when my Aunt Karen accidentally wrote Laundry , in stead of Landry on my baby shower card.  It just kind of stuck.  And, it just so happened that a friend of hers had a fall costume party Saturday evening and this mother had to get into Trick or Treat mode real quick!  Whew!  Talk about a marathon....Soccer game, cheerleading at a football game, a quick sandwhich, then on to putting her costume together.  Landry won FUNNIEST COSTUME at the party.  I think I know what clenched it for her, DO YOU?  Do you see her little brother's old ( but clean)  Bob The Builder underoos on her head?  Yah, I was just  going to tack those on her shirt, but instead, creative sister came out with pigtails through them!  A special thank you to little brother for being immodest enough to let her use them!  I think it was a hit! Congratulations, Landry !  ( Although you always win the prize with us!  ) Happy Fall Y'all !!!  


Anonymous said...

I have laughed and laughed at your costume! It is truly the funniest one I have ever seen! Good thinking! You made my day!

The Oswalds said...

Landry gets best costume ever & prettiest laundry basket ever! Great job Rhea & Landry. You should put your puppy in the basket with you :o)

love you!
Aunt Shauna

Julianna Farmer said...

I am laughing out loud! I love your brave, spunky self. You need to frame that and hang it in your laundry room. It might make that beast of a chore a little bit lighter.

The Oswalds said...

Hope you don't mind I just linked another blogger mom to your site to see Miss Landry as Laundry.

melissa crow said...

how is it that the most awesome ideas come from the leatherwood house hold? Thanks for the laugh :}