Tuesday, January 8, 2008

God is GOOD!

AUGUST 10, 2002 -MAY 29, 2003

For those of you who never met Landon,( AND for those who would like to remember...) here are a few of his best photos - There are a few others WITHOUT his pacifier that show his beautiful face better, but I will have to scan them in later.

The 1st one is with his Aunt Shauna right after he was born ( All 11 pounds & 12 ounces & 23 & 1/2 inches of him!)  He was a big 'un!  

The 2nd photo is of his one and only trick or treat time - with Big Sis; Landry as Dorothy and him, as one sad little "Toto".  ( He has his pacifier in this shot, so he is content - I will have to post the mad shot later...)  It is sooo pitiful.  

And the last one is just a good close up of him as we usually saw him - Peaceful, sweet little face - and although you can not tell in the black and white shot, big pretty blue eyes that saw straight through you.  Miss those baby blues...

These photos are appropriate for today's blog, since I have been praying and studying for my Mother's Day 2008 speaking engagement at Coastal Christian Center in Encinitas, California! 
I am very exited about this opportunity and hope that I can, in some way, minister to those that join us that day!  
Please be praying for me at this time and especially on Mother's Day - as I want to say only what The Lord would have me say at that time.  I only want to be The Lord's mouthpiece. - An instrument in HIS hand.  After all, HE is the one that allowed us to walk through what we did, so that we could "comfort with that which(we've) been comforted" !  Funny..... that is what Landon's name means - - - Comforted!  ISN'T GOD THE GREATEST?  

Thank you prayer warriors!  
Here are a few ( older) photos of the other 2 wondrous miracles in our lives!....




The Oswalds said...

I'm missing beautiful Landon & those amazing blue eyes. Thanks for the memories. I am praying for you. I know your speaking engagement in CA will be wonderful because of our Heavenly Father.

Love you!


The Oswalds said...

Okay, "Sweet Aunt Rhea" it's time for a new post. I need pics of my nephew & niece in their heli t's. Love you!