Monday, March 31, 2008

Pancakes & CHEESE! aka- The Gospel according to Dr. Seuss

No, we did not eat pancakes WITH cheese - We were just being "cheesey" while spending some family time this weekend.  Keenan decided he wanted pancakes for dinner on Friday night.  I would have been happy to make them, but he decided we could just go to IHOP.  I had also told the kids if they were super great this week ( I know, I know,....BIG shocker that they aren't ALWAYS super great ALL the time, right?), that I would take them to see "Horton Hears A Who"  Well, once we arrived at IHOP, to our sheer and culinary delight there was a HORTON HEARS A WHO -THEMED BREAKFAST MENU!  Hooray! Hooray!  Jesus DOES love The Leatherwoods!  Anywho, of course citizen #'s 3 & 4 promptly ordered the green eggs & ham with the special pancakes.  ( by special I mean turqouise & pink colored fruit syrup and a pink lollipop stuck in the middle. MMmmmm I love that kind of health food.  (gag.)  Kids LOVED it.  
They also decided to wash it down with some special drink, too.  By special, I mean it was sprite with miniature blue & red jello jiggler cubes that could be sucked up in the straw - ( see pics)  Well, at least the 'green' in the eggs was spinach - - - I guess they got a little Vitamins?  
We loved the movie - and despite one crude remark ( of course it is every little kid's favorite line, now ) It was virtuously pretty wholesome, clean fun with no off color, make you uncomfortable - kind of remarks.  In fact, right smack dab in the middle of the flick, I started seeing some REAL spiritual correlations to it.  Now, granted, I am a bit prejudiced - - - I LOVE Dr. Seuss.  I think he was GENIUS.  That being said, I wondered if there was any truth to the rumor that he was Christian.  Either way, 'Horton' provided an interesting topic of conversation for Seuss lovers from around the globe - especially those who Love the Lord.

Bad movies are bad, they leave me quite troubled
If you take kids to see them,  then they are bad - DOUBLED

I've gone into rhyming and rhyming is fun -
But as for this blog entry - it means I am done.

Aren't you GLAD?!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dear Ones,
I always love seeing all of the pictures and reading the fun writings by you, Rheagan! Keep up the good work!
Mom P.