Thursday, February 21, 2008

Book Review?

Hey Friends & Family - - - Here I am again, asking for a favor:  If any of you have read the manuscript of our testimony; "Sons and Miracles", could I ask you, specifically, a TREMENDOUS FAVOR?  If you haven't glanced at it in a while, perhaps could you look at it for a second and see if anything comes to mind for an answer to these questions: ( This is in preparation for my Mother's Day speaking engagement in California)  
1.  What, in your opinion is/are the greatest lesson(s), if you will, that can be gleaned from this testimony? ( Besides that GOD is GOOD!)
2.  Do you remember anything specifically about the testimony that 'st
uck' with you, in other words, you did not have to l
ook it up in the book?
I truly appreciate ANY & ALL feedback you can give.  Your opinion matters - because most of you lived this testimony right along with us!  In fact, YOUR PRAYERS are the ones that were answered EACH AND EVERY DAY at our home! ( And still are....)  So, whenever you can send in these answers, that will be great - Like I said, I do not lea
ve until May - - - THAT'S YOUR DEADLINE! :)    (You may e-mail me your answers, too!)
  Love to you ALL!   ( Hey - this is the "mad version" of our little "Toto" (Landon) I promised y'all a while back - priceless, huh?)

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