Sunday, December 16, 2007


Welcome Everyone! I am so excited that we, as a family, now have a place to call home in the blogging world! I hope you will come visit us often and see what's new in Leatherwood Land. A special thanks to my sweet sister Shauna who 'gently nudged' me to try this out! ( And by gently nudged, I mean she laid a guilt trip on me in the most polite way possible!)


The Oswalds said...

Yea! So happy to see you in blogger land!

Love you guys!

MayMay said...

Merry Christmas! Thanks so much for inviting me into the land of blog! I will try to leave traces of MayMay-ness whenever I can. Rheagan, you are so full of life and love that you brighten up a room when you enter it! And sorry, but there's not enough room to talk about the wonderfulness of your kiddos, Landry and Lawson! Love 'em BUNCHES! Merry Christmas! MayMay